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Christoph Brabec

/ / Materials Science and Engineering, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Research Areas

Clean Energy


Christoph J. Brabec holds the chair “materials for electronics and energy technology (i-MEET)” at the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg. He is also the scientific director of the Erlangen division of the Bavarian research institute for renewable energy (ZAE Bayern, Erlangen), board member of the ZAE Bavaria and board member of the Energy Campus Nurnberg. He received his PhD (1995) in physical chemistry from Linz university, joined the group of Prof Alan Heeger at UCSB for a sabbatical, and continued to work on all aspects of organic semiconductor spectroscopy as assistant professor at Linz university with Prof. Serdar Sariciftci. He joined the SIEMENS research labs as project leader for organic semiconductor devices in 2001, finished his habilitation in physical chemistry in 2003 at Linz university and joined Konarka in 2004, where he held the position of the CTO. He is author and co-author of more than 300 papers and nearly 100 patents and patent applications and has a Hirsch index of > 70.

Research Interests

  • Research and development on organic and hybrid semiconductors, with a strong focus on the photophysics and transport properties of solution processed semiconductors.
  • Development and investigation of solution processed solar cells, with a strong focus on the development of novel materials, investigation of microstructure and morphology formation in organic, hybrid and inorganic semiconductor composites and on fundamentals of thin film solar cells.
  • Development of low cost production technologies for semiconductor devices building on ultraprecision printing & coating technologies and ultrafast laser patterning.
  • Development of advanced optoelectronic devices for renewable energy applications like (i) 3rd generation solar cell technologies (ii) lighting and (iii) light management.
  • Development and application of non-destructive imaging methods for optoelectronic devices, like EL or IR imaging.
  • Development of combinatorial and high throughput methods for the discovery of energy materials and energy devices.
  • Renewable energy systems and components for energy generation and storage.


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