
AC Labs and Facilities

Our space

The Acceleration Consortium (AC) is a global centre for materials research and innovation at the University of Toronto (U of T). Our core facilities include 6 state-of-the-art self-driving labs (SDLs) at U of T and 1 at the University of British Columbia. These labs use AI and automation to accelerate the discovery of a wide range of materials and molecules needed for a resiliant and sustainable future, including catalysts for CO2 conversion, non-corroding metals, and anti-cancer drugs. Our SDLs are led by more than 35 staff scientists and a cohort of over 75 faculty. The labs are open core facilities that support the research and development efforts of the AC and our academic, industrial, and government partners, as well as the greater community. In addition to our own SDLs, we have access to over 30 others across Canada and internationally through our consortium members.

In 2023, the AC received a $200M investment from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) that allowed us to expand our capacity and facilities. As part of this expansion, renovations are currently underway at the University of Toronto’s Lash Miller building, which will house a selection of our SDLs and other facilities. Each SDL is also supported by:

  • the AI and Automation Lab with expertise in creating the machine learning algorithms and custom automation required to accelerate scientific discovery
  • the Lab for the Management of Science and Technology Lab (L-MOST) dedicated to more effectively managing scientific discovery and innovation, including improving research processes and technology adoption.
  • the Indigenous Science and Ethical Substance Lab (ISES) focused on creating visions and protocols that ground scientific practices and understandings of substance in Indigenous and environmental values and research methods

Acceleration Consortium Labs

Self-Driving Lab Info
Application Areas
AC Lab
SDL0: AI and Automation

A research hub to develop AI tools and robotic lab automation hardware for self-driving labs at the AC

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Mehrad Ansari, Kourosh Darvish, Sergio Pablo-Garcia, Anatole von Lilienfield, Florian Shkurti, Alán Aspuru-Guzik
University of Toronto
AC Lab
SDL1: Inorganic

Autonomous inorganic materials discovery comprising synthesis, characterization of structure and function; and application testing across CO2 capture and conversion, energy storage, structural materials, photonics, electronics, and more

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Yang Bai, Kangming Li, Ali Shayesteh, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, David Sinton, Mohamad Moosavi, Yu Zou
University of Toronto
CO2 capture
CO2 conversion
structural materials
AC Lab
SDL2: Organic

Autonomous organic small molecule discovery comprising synthesis, workup, separation, characterization of structure and function; and application testing across drugs, electronics, photonics, green products, and more

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Yang Cao, Xiaoman Guo, Han Hao, Eric Isbrant, Sophie Rousseaux, Alán Aspuru-Guzik
University of Toronto
Green products
CO2 capture
AC Lab
SDL3: Medicinal chemistry

Autonomous medicinal chemistry comprising synthesis and bioassays for chemical probe development and drug hit-to-lead discovery

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Santha Santhakumar, Carla Brown, Joseph Brown, Stuart Green, Cheryl Arrowsmith, Robert Batey
University of Toronto
AC Lab
SDL4: Polymers

Autonomous polymeric materials discovery comprising synthesis, characterization of structure and function, and application testing across healthcare, sustainability, energy storage, and more

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Nipun Gupta, Owen Melville, Harrison Mills, Helen Tran, Dwight Seferos
University of Toronto
AC Lab
SDL5: Formulations

Autonomous formulation of materials comprising combinatorial mixing; formation of liquids, semi-solids, solids; characterization of structure and function, and application testing across personal care, healthcare, and more

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Zeqing Bao, Frantz Le Dévédec, Jeff Watchorn, Aaron Clasky, Christine Allen, Frank Gu
University of Toronto
Green products
Personal care
AC Lab
SDL6: Human organ mimicry

Autonomous discovery of new healthcare materials and therapies using high fidelity models of functional tissues and diseases

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Yimu Zhao, Ilya Yakavets, Milica Radisic, Vuk Stambolic
University of Toronto
AC Lab
SDL7: Scale-up

Autonomous discovery of organic small molecules and inorganic solid-state materials at scale bridging synthesis, purification, and characterization with protocol and yield optimization

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Daniel Lin, Ekaterina Trushina, Jason Hein, Curtis Berlinguette
University of British Columbia
Green products
AC Lab
The training lab

A hands-on learning facility to support hardware and software upskilling for AC labs for topics such as Bayesian optimization, workflow orchestration, and sample transfer

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Sterling Baird
University of Toronto