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Join a community of government, industry and academics who are leading a paradigm shift in materials innovation

the power of a consortium

We are bringing together people and organizations who share common goals: to exchange resources and knowledge, to co-develop standards and best practices, and to connect key players in the value chain to expedite research translation and commercialization.

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Job Opportunities

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join as an organizational partner
Become a member to gain access to a wide range of expertise, research, technology, and talent, including
Join as an Organization

Self-driving Labs (SDLs)

Access open-source software and databases, hardware designs, and support staff to learn how to build and operate self-driving labs to accelerate materials and molecular discovery

Expert consultations

Address your core technical and materials development challenges by consulting with world-leading experts on AI, automation, materials science, engineering, and much more


Collaborative and directed research projects

Work with faculty, industry and start-ups on fundamental or translational research projects


Residence program

Embed staff across the Consortium to get hands-on access and training on SDLs and apply the latest discoveries in AI-aided experimental design


Professional development

Participate in industry-relevant professional education and unique on-site training with AI-driven autonomous materials design, including workshops and seminars


Talent pipeline

Access a global pipeline of top student recruits and entrepreneurs with a wide range of cross-disciplinary expertise



Participate in opportunities for leveraged internships with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows

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join as an Individual researcher
Be part of a community of researchers that are driving accelerated discovery forward. Collaborate with our members on grants, research exchanges and more. Membership is free and with it you gain early access to information about our events.
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