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Welcome to our new website! Please excuse any bugs you might encounter as you explore, we hope to have everything de-bugged shortly. Thanks for your patience! We encourage you to take a look around, but first let us tell you a bit about ourselves.

December 6, 2021
News Type
AC News

If you are new to the Acceleration Consortium (AC)—welcome!

And if you have already heard of us, but we look a little different—welcome to our new website! Let us take a minute to introduce ourselves. Based at the University of Toronto, we are a global community of academia, industry and government who are accelerating the discovery and design of wide range of new materials and molecules, from renewable energy and consumer electronics to drugs. To create a healthier, more sustainable future, we need better materials quickly.

Here's 7 quick facts you should know about us

1. We are led by Alán Aspuru-Guzik, one of the world’s leading AI and advanced materials researchers

2. We chose to form a consortium because we think that global issues benefit greatly from global efforts (think the Human Genome Project)

3. We accelerate materials and molecular discovery by building self-driving labs, also known as materials acceleration platforms (MAPs)

4. Our group includes over 90 academics and 15 partners (with more to be added soon), including key government organizations and industry (if you're interested in joining the Consortium, be sure to review our member benefits and unique approach to R&D)

5. We have 7 different application areas (and counting). Think we should add one? Let us know via acceleration@utoronto.ca

6. We will organize a yearly conference called Accelerate that brings together the diverse experts in our field

7. We are designing an applied masters program to train graduates of several fields (such as chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science and physics) with the necessary applied skills to carry out accelerated science research

There's lots more we want to tell, but we'll save that for later! Feel free to explore the site for yourself, including our vision, publications by our members, and our current programs. We are just getting started, so be sure to check back soon. In the meantime, subscribe to our Substack to stay in the loop: accelerationconsortium.substack.com. If you have any questions, just ask—either by submitting a question or reaching out to one of our team members.

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